Taxed Out -
Instead of constantly seeking an elusive revenue solution to its overspending, California should cut tax rates and reform its profligate spending policies.
Instead of constantly seeking an elusive revenue solution to its overspending, California should cut tax rates and reform its profligate spending policies.…
Beautiful tribute to Tim Keller from Cardinal Dolan:…
From MBD at NRO:…
From the dean of Stanford Law School:…
How Gay Marriage Changed America…
Democrats Aim at Walgreens, but Their Target Is Democracy
It’s remarkable how weak ratings make good journalists do bad things.
Dominion’s Brief ISO Summ Judgment - DocumentCloud…
“Kids forced to watch The Representation Project films in schools aren’t just subjected to gender ideology, sexually explicit images, and Gavin Newsom’s one-liners. They’re being given a left-wing framework through which to see the world, and then prompted to conduct social and political activism.”
“Kids forced to watch The Representation Project films in schools aren’t just subjected to gender ideology, sexually explicit images, and Gavin Newsom’s one-liners. They’re being given a left-wing framework through which to see the world, and then prompted to conduct social and political activism.”…
Hot mixing: Mechanistic insights into the durability of ancient Roman concrete - Science Advances
Article on why zero-emission vehicles aren’t.
ProPublica/Vanity Fair article on origin of SARS-CoV-2:
Informative article on the current state of post-pandemic San Francisco.
This is an excellent primer on camera lenses. It starts with a fun short film and then does a great job explaining the optics of various focal lengths.
What do girls do? by Heather Heying…
Excellent article from Michael Brendan Dougherty:…
From the CA Legislative Analyst’s Office re: how the CA Constitution complicates how the state spends. I vote for returning some of the surplus to taxpayers. The 2022-23 Budget: Initial Comments on the State Appropriations Limit Proposal
This is behind a paywall but I got access as one of my free articles. Well worth reading. Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid - The Atlantic
California bill introduced recently (AB2223). Very troubling language: read section 123467 and remind yourself of the definition of “perinatal”.…
Test post from
Excellent from Michael Brendan Dougherty:…
Hoover study on companies leaving California:
An excellent article from Tom Junod of Esquire. “The Falling Man”
Against mask mandates. Worth reading whatever your position:…