Excellent from Michael Brendan Dougherty:
Excellent from Michael Brendan Dougherty:
Hoover study on companies leaving California:
An excellent article from Tom Junod of Esquire. “The Falling Man”
Against mask mandates. Worth reading whatever your position:
The high environmental cost of batteries for electric cars:
@GavinNewsom @NRO @sfchronicle @mercurynews @sacbee
Idea laundering…
EV’s have comparable carbon footprint to ICE’s @GavinNewsom @nro @sfchronicle @sacbee @latimes @mercnews
From Vanity Fair, comprehensive reporting on the lab-leak theory:
Before you get too carried away about electric vehicles:
Came across this link in a story by @jimgeraghty of National Review. If not a subcriber to MIT Technology Review, you get a couple free articles. This may be a good one to use one of your freebies on.
Article on the importance of the U.S. military maintaining its leadership position and a return to focus on great-powers competition.
Long, civil, debate about Bitcoin. I thought Mike Green got the better of it.
SARS2: natural jump from animals to humans? Or escape from GOF lab in China?
Text of Georgia SB-202 here:
March 2021 study on the benefits of increasing school choices…
If Godzilla gets cold feet, distant-cousin Squirzilla is ready to step in against Kong…
File under, “we need a bigger shovel.”
CA Vaccine 3/15: 12.6M administered; avg. daily doses = 207,441; 4.2 months to finish vaccinating 19.4M in 1A-B-C at this rate (very limited J&J vaccine currently). ~11M Californians >16 years old waiting in Group 2. @GavinNewsom @NRO @sfchronicle @mercnews @latimes
CA vaccine 3/14: 19.4M in 1A, 1B, 1C need 38.8M doses if all are 2-dose. 12.2M doses administered @ avg. of 194.4K/day. At this pace, 4.5 mo. needed to complete 1A-1B-1C. J&J vaccine will accelerate. 11M in G2 wait. @NRO @sfchronicle @latimes @mercnews @GavinNewsom
“Inflation isn’t the biggest concern right now. The politicization of money and credit is.”
@GavinNewsom @sfchronicle @mercnews @latimes @NRO @WSJopinion @nytimes
Important article from Charles C. W. Cooke at National Review.
As of 1/25/21: 2,437,504 / 4,564,425 = 53.4% 59,036 / day since 12/14/20 3.7 yrs to vaccinate 39.5 mil Californians with 2 doses
www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/… Last update 1/18/21
New site: covid19.ca.gov/vaccines/
As of 1/20/21: 1,626,524 / 3,989,850 = 41% 43,960/day since 12/14/20 4.9 yrs to vaccinate 39.5 mil CA’ians
Calif. COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Admin. vs. Allocated as of Jan. 17, 2021:
1,393,224 / 3,226,775 = 43.2%
avg of 40,977 / day since 12-14-20;
5.3 years to give 39,500,000 Californians 2 doses at this rate.
Calif. COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Admin. vs. Allocated as of Jan. 16, 2021:
1,303,518 / 3,226,775 = 40.4%
avg of 39,501 / day since 12-14-20;
5.5 years to give 39,500,000 Californians 2 doses at this rate.
Some songs are better for driving than others. This is one of them:
Calif. COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Admin. vs. Allocated as of Jan. 15, 2021:
1,188,703 / 3,144,575 = 37.8%
avg of 37,147 / day since 12-14-20;
5.8 years to give 39,500,000 Californians 2 doses at this rate.
Calif. COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Admin. vs. Allocated as of Jan. 13, 2021:
971,829 / 2,948,350 = 33%;
avg of 32,394 / day since 12-14-20;
6.7 years to give 39,500,000 Californians 2 doses at this rate.
Calif. COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Admin. vs. Allocated as of Jan. 12, 2021:
889,042/ 2,862,350 = 31.1%; avg of 30,657/ day since 12-14-20;
7.1 years to give 39,500,000 Californians 2 doses at this rate
Calif. COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Admin. vs. Allocated as of Jan. 10, 2021, 4pm PST:
734,405 / 2,180,725 = 33.7%; avg of 27,200 / day since 12-14-20;
8.0 years to give 39,500,000 Californians 2 doses at this rate
Calif. COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Admin. vs. Allocated as of Jan. 9, 2021, 4pm PST:
734,405 / 2,060,800 = 35.6%; avg of 28,246 / day since 12-14-20;
7.7 years to give 39,500,000 Californians 2 doses at this rate
Calif. COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Admin. vs. Allocated as of Jan. 8, 2021, 4pm PST:
652,128 / 2,060,800 = 31.6%; avg of 26,085 / day since 12-14-20;
8.3 years to give 39,500,000 Californians 2 doses at this rate
California COVID-19 Vaccine Administered as of Jan. 7, 2021 vs. Allocated as of Jan. 4, 2021:
586,379 / 2,007,600 = 29.2%
1.48% of 39,500,000 Californians
Revision to 1/5/2021 numbers:
California COVID-19 Vaccine Administered as of Jan. 5, 2021 vs. Allocated as of Jan. 4, 2021: 488,515 / 2,007,600 = 24.3%
1.24% of 39,500,000 Californians
California COVID-19 Vaccine Administered vs. Allocated as of Jan. 5, 2021: 459,564 / 1,762,900 = 26%
1.16% of 39,500,000 Californians
California COVID-19 Vaccine Administered vs. Allocated as of Jan. 4, 2021: 454,306 / 1,762,900 = 25.8%
California COVID-19 Vaccine Administered vs. Allocated as of Jan. 3, 2021: 436,154 / 1,762,000 = 24.7%
California COVID-19 Vaccine Administered vs. Allocated as of Jan. 2, 2021: 414,684 / 1,762,000 = 23.5%